828-838-1011 [email protected]

Event Application

Thank you for your interest in scheduling an event at our marketplace. We will review your application within 48 hours. Please provide as much detail as possible about your event. We are eager to host authors, acoustic musicians, and workshops by our vendors.

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Date / Time
Please select a time and date that works for you at least two weeks in the future. This will allow enough time for us to review, approve and schedule your event.
Please tell us about your book ( book details, author information, etc), music (what style of music, latest song or album,etc) or workshop idea (how would your attendees be involved and what would they learn, how long will it take, materials needed, etc).
Your homepage website
If you have a video of your music, book or workshop idea please share the web address here.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please share with us any promotional images you have for your book, music or workshop. We recommend at least 1 portrait image of the author/musician/workshop organizer, 1 image in performance for the musician, 1 image of the book cover for an author or 1 image of what will be made during the workshop.