828-838-1011 [email protected]
Leaf on the Wind Woodturning

Leaf on the Wind Woodturning

Category: Wood turning.

Leaf on the Wind Woodturning creates woodturned works of art from domestic woods as well as exotics. Resin/wood hybrids are also crafted out of these various woods. Creations include bowls, platters, vases, and seasonal novelties. Leaf on the Wind Woodturning Dwayne C. Lane, Woodturner “I was born and raised in Catawba County. Trees have always played a major role in my life—from providing a playground as a child to my first job as a professional tree trimmer to working in the furniture industry. It has all led me to the path of woodturning. All of these experiences have given me the knowledge and appreciation for the grain of the wood and all the personalities that each species shows. It is my wish to make each piece as special as it can be.”

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